boring scool day^^
2014/01/17 05:21:00
2014/01/25 00:00:12
hello^^ you know school is really boring kkkkk :D i take with ma friend^^^ what are you doing at school??
Total comment(s) :4
Wow your friend is so cute and school really boring ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
buussrra | 24,Jan 2014
hahaha you like yourself hahahaha :D :D :D
ylzlgr19 | 24,Jan 2014
now Most schools in Korea are in winter vaction!! so we don't go school~~
but!!!!next monday my school's winter vacation is over!!ㅠㅠ
namgywn | 24,Jan 2014
omm we are in semester holiday today kkk thi is first day :D
ylzlgr19 | 25,Jan 2014