

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 623732

性別 : 女性
年齢 : 33
居住地 : スウェーデン
I happen to come across this site when i was roaming around on the net and thought i would check it ou...
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性別 : 男性
年齢 : 39
居住地 : 韓国
Hi, I m Jun min. I would like to make new friends. To have friend at a distance is like journey. they make the latitudes and longitudes. It lets me broaden my horizons. I majored in Chemical and civil...
性別 : 男性
年齢 : 23
居住地 : アルメニア
Eey I m Ara ,I like to make new friends on ,and i like listening songs and watching kdramas and cdramas ,hope we can become friends and yea I m friend...
性別 : 女性
年齢 : 42
居住地 : イラン
hi i m interested in different cultures, especially Korean culture and language. i like to travel and visit historical buildings. If you think we can be friends, send me a message, hope to make good f...
性別 : 女性
年齢 : 54
居住地 : 米国
I love the rain. I like to plant things and I like animals. I’m the queen of laughter and I’m looking for friends who enjoy the same things as me. Traveling is definitely going to be added to my hobby...
性別 : 男性
年齢 : 30
居住地 : 韓国
ソウルの近くに住んでいる95年生まれの会社員です よろしくお願いいたします ,ok 일본인 친구를 사귀고 싶어서 가입했어요. 부담없이 연락주세요일본어를 잘 못합니다. ㅠㅠ 서울 근처에...
性別 : 男性
年齢 : 60
居住地 : 韓国
안녕하세요. 울산시에 살고 있고 회사원입니다 취미는 여행과 목공을 좋아합니다 오래전에 일본 취업을 한적이있고 여러번 여행을 하였고 8월에는 시모노세키와 히로시마를 여행을 하였...