From China
2015/04/19 02:48:53
2015/04/24 13:07:27
Today I received a gift from a dear friend by correspondence from China. I'm really very happy^^
ah, comb is simply wonderful! I very like it
Total comment(s) :6
Wow i hope i meat friend like that
tlgus365 | 19,Apr 2015
Thank you) I hope you will find a lot of good friends
Litera★M | 24,Apr 2015
대륙클라스 !!
duawmd00 | 19,Apr 2015
thank you)
Litera★M | 24,Apr 2015
woah really..looks like cool and very historic. you are very lucky :)
tabloo | 19,Apr 2015
Yeah) I'm incredibly lucky ^^
Litera★M | 24,Apr 2015