

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 620799

性別 : 男性
年齢 : 32
居住地 : 韓国
혼자 가는 여행을 좋아하는데 일본 여행을 제일 좋아하고 자주 갑니다. 최근에는 도쿄에 다녀왔습니다. 일본 친구를 알고 싶고 일본어를 배우고 싶습니다. 영어는 대화 가능합니...
性別 : 女性
年齢 : 38
居住地 : インドネシア
Hello. Nice to meet you I m here want to meet and make friends. I interest to exchange language, I want to practice my english, my english is not good, sometimes I use translator. I also interest with...
性別 : 男性
年齢 : 35
居住地 : 米国
Hello .I had to to update my profile as unfortunately due to this virus all plan trips been cancelled but I am still hoping I can make more friends here, and hopefully I can travel around next year, l...
性別 : 男性
年齢 : 38
居住地 : 韓国
韓国京畿道の南楊州市に住んでいます 現在 文化財庁所属の宮陵遺跡本部で造園実務官として勤務しています まだ日本語が下手で主に翻訳機を使っています 誤字や間違った表現がある...
性別 : 女性
年齢 : 34
居住地 : 韓国
Hello I m looking for friends. I just wanna exchange languages and culture for interest. As you may have noticed, I am not good at English. But I ll try to talk with you in English And if you wanna us...
性別 : 女性
年齢 : 35
居住地 : 日本
こんにちは 初めまして 日本語しか話せません 外国人の女性の友達を募集しています 男性は ご遠慮願います 本当に友達になりたい方のみお願いします 女性の方で興味を持たれた方は...
性別 : 女性
年齢 : 34
居住地 : 台湾
안녕하세요 저는 도라 Dora 예요 대만 사람입니다. 지금 한국어를 공부하고 있습니다. 하지만 아직도 잘 못해요. 반갑습니다 Hello, I live in Taiwan and want to make some new friends especially who knows Korean...