

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 622191

性別 : 男性
年齢 : 26
居住地 : 韓国
처음 뵙겠습니다 일본을 좋아해서 매년마다 여행으로 일본에 가고있습니다. 봄이랑 여름에 나고야랑 도쿄에 갔다왔어요. 10월에 요코하마로 올해 마지막여행 예정입니다일본사람은 어...
性別 : 女性
年齢 : 23
居住地 : トルコ
Hello My name is Deniz, I am 24 years old. I am from Turkey I want to make friends to learn Korean and Japanese languages. I love making new friends and discovering places I love reading anime and sin...
性別 : 女性
年齢 : 27
居住地 : 日本
はじめまして 27歳の日本人です 最近韓国に興味を持ち始めたため 韓国のお友達を探しています 日本語の勉強のお手伝いもできたらと思います また 他の国の文化や言語にも関心があ...
性別 : 男性
年齢 : 24
居住地 : 南アフリカ
Music lover with a knack for sketching and a love for binge watching shows .When I m not lost in a new game ,you might find me strumming my guitar or working on my latest drawing .Looking for someone ...
性別 : 男性
年齢 : 24
居住地 : 韓国
Hi, Nice to meet youI am 24 years old Korean this year. I want to make friends. It would be great if we could be friends regardless of gender. I m also studying English, but there are so many kanji ch...
性別 : 男性
年齢 : 80
居住地 : 米国
Hi, all I would like to have penpals from Korea, Japan, China or USA. Preferred language would be Korean, English or Japanese. Chinese is also very interesting to learn if I have a great chance. I do ...
性別 : 女性
年齢 : 51
居住地 : 日本
HiMy name is Kana living in Japan with my husband. I enjoy cooking, eating, traveling, reading, and art. I used to travel may places all over the world and love to know different cultures. I m looking...